Saturday, October 31, 2009


Colors and Taps salutes all those who have served and are serving in the Armed Forces of the United States Of America.
It is also a tribute to the men and woman of 9-1-1 and Fort Hood who have sacrificed have paid the ultimate sacrifice. We will never forget them. May God bless them and their families, and may God continue to bless America.

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Like the U.S. Marine Corps itself, the annual Birthday Ball has evolved from simple origins to the polished and professional functions of today. Nonetheless, one thing remains constant, the tenth day of November! This unique holiday for warriors is a day of camaraderie, a day to honor Corps and Country. Throughout the world on 10 November, U.S. Marines celebrate the birth of their Corps -- the most loyal, most feared, most revered, and most professional fighting force the world has ever known.